
Good behaviour is central to ensuring every child and young person makes outstanding progress and gets the chances in life they deserve.

We manage behaviour exceptionally well to provide a calm, orderly, safe and supportive environments in which children and young people want to attend and can learn and thrive.

Being taught how to behave well and build positive relationships is vital for children to succeed personally and for them to successfully navigate the community they live in.

We use a range of actions and practices to achieve this, creating a positive culture. These include, but are not limited to: the curriculum, pupil assessment and feedback, assemblies, pupil engagement/pupil voice, extra-curricular enrichment, pastoral support and guidance, individualised adjustments and inclusion, parental engagement and appropriate multi-agency working for those pupils with the most challenging needs.

The behaviour and relationships policy ensures that we maintain the highest expectations of all pupils, ensuring that all pupils are supported to meet these standards and expectations. We never apologise for having high standards in all that we do, and this includes pupil behaviour.

Please click here to access the behaviour and relationships policy.

To ensure consistent application of our expectations, we ask pupils to meet the following learning expectations:

  • Be prepared – ready to learn
  • Be exemplary in the way I present myself – manners, pride and kindness
  • Be respectful – to others, to the environment and to myself.